Balance Energy serves leading companies in;
Oil & Gas
In the O&G sector we have identified and supported the development of approved projects resulting from analysis from well head, through compression and processing to export and condensate shipping. The opportunities we have identified are of a multi-petajoule scale.
Mining – open pit and underground
Working with some of the world’s leading miners we have identified opportunities that have been implemented to produce savings in milling and UG ventilation.
In open-cut operations our work on haul trucks and haul routes has provided significant fuel savings and productivity improvement opportunities.
In pyrometalurgical processing Balance Energy’s work has provided significant opportunities for improvement including, for example, injection of steam into a lead blast furnace and the identification of high value/low cost measures for utilities.
Power Generation
In power generation Balance Energy has identified cost reduction options with short payback periods, increased generation capacity and alternative power sources. In industrially embedded generation, (in the hydrocarbons sector), we have identified opportunities to optimise HRSG systems and taken these through feasibility to approval.
Pulp & Paper
In Pulp & Paper Balance Energy has identified significant cost reduction opportunities in steam and condensate systems and process fine tuning that both reduce energy use and de-bottle pulp processing.
Food: Dairy, Malting
Balance Energy systematic opportunity identification has provided for example, the opportunity to make significant low capital cost energy savings in processes that were already at industry best practice. Savings were implemented via process tuning and control changes.
Via systematic analysis Balance Energy has identified and quantified issues relating to driver behaviour, both stationary and mobile, low capital cost modifications to locomotives with short payback periods, as well as further significant opportunities, in heavy haul rail.
Large Scale Manufacturing
Via either an EPC or EPCM, Balance Energy has implemented a range of measurement in large-scale manufacturing, including control improvements, heat recovery, process retuning, pressure loss reduction, compressed air improvements, and multiple process specific innovations.